Why are you charged per load for transporting waste compactors when most freight is charged per tonne?
Compactor load weights of 6 tonne are, unfortunately too common. |
If you are paying transport of $250 per load, your transported cost per tonne is $41.66 per tonne. |
If you transport an 8 tonne load compactor, at the same collection price of $250 your cost per tonne is $31.25. |
That’s a transport cost reduction of 25%. |
SmartTrash will deliver you productivity-based cost savings similar to these almost every time, every compactor, As required
- Larger and legal payloads.
- Seamless collection management process.
- Are you aware that in most circumstances using compliant collectors, your legal load is about 10.0 tonne of waste, not counting the compactor.
- You can ask your collectors, or you can contact us if you wish.
SmartTrash delivers for you,
- Management information.
- Easy access to your ongoing information requirements for future analysis.
- Management of your own facility.
- Reduce traffic flow to about 40%.
- Reduce repairs and maintenance to your facility.
- Reduce your facility insurance exposure.
- Maybe ask your collector for a price per tonne.
- Get your invoice to reward productivity, not reward inefficiency at your cost.
If you have the will, and what it takes, SmartTrash will work for you every time.
You will do best with a load not too heavy and not too light.
Good solid conservative management.
That’s SmartTrash.